Report Downloads
Evaluation reports
- Lapwing Project Evaluation : An evaluation of the ‘Live Art Practice Wellbeing Inspired Network Group’ of Kent artists: their ‘arts & wellbeing’ development training, care home / Age UK day centre creative practice programmes by F. Blair
- Talking Trees – Project Evaluation: An evaluation of an intergenerational arts and wellbeing project with Simon Langton Girls’ Grammar School by F. Blair
- Postcards from Precious Places Evaluation Report : An evaluation of a creative writing project for those that live with dementia, supported by Kent Dementia Action Alliance by F. Blair
- A Few Words About Me : An evaluation by F. Blair of a creative writing and poetry project – with films – for those that live with dementia, led by Funder Films
- Our Work of Art 2018- With These Hands: A social documentary photography record of the “Our Work of Art Project”. This photobook was developed by a team of volunteers led by Gerry Atkinson.
- Our Work of Art 2018- Final Report: A comprehensive evaluation by Fay Blair of the project, supported by appendices – see below
- Our Work of Art 2018 – appendices to final report : A range of detailed appendices which augment the final report. Those relating to volunteer experiences are particularly relevant
- Our Work of Art Rural Outreach 2019-2020 Evaluation Summary by F.Blair
- FINAL Connected Carers Dialogue Report Fay Blair 9 Aug 2021. Evaluation summary by Fay Blair
Research & Policy
- Creative Health – The Arts for Health and Wellbeing All-Party Parliamentary Group on Arts, Health and Wellbeing, Inquiry Report, Second Edition (July 2017)
- NICE Quality Standard 137 Mental wellbeing and independence for older people (December 2016)
- NICE Quality Standard 148 Community Engagement Improving health and wellbeing (March 2017)
- Age Friendly And Inclusive Volunteering Review of contributions in later life by the Centre for Ageing Better (2018)
- Living Well in Later Life Age UK report into Creative and Cultural Activities and wellbeing in Later life
- Arts and Health Evaluation Arts for Health and Wellbeing, an Evaluation Framework. A PHE report which provides guidance on documenting and evaluating group-based arts for health and wellbeing activity(2016)
- Loneliness in Later Life Age UK Evidence Review of loneliness in later life(2015)
- Review of creativity and dementia A review by Camic et al of theory and practice of the relationship between creativity and dementia, on behalf of the Created Out of Mind Team (2015)
- Arts Volunteering Toolkit Volunteering in the Arts; a toolkit created by Voluntary Arts and Volunteering England (2012)
- Volunteering and Wellbeing WVRS report on The impact of volunteering on well-being in later life (2012)
- The-impact-of-covid-19-on-older-people. Age UK report on the impact of covid 19 on the mental and physical health of older people(2020)
- COVID-19_ Digital Service Delivery for Charities Third Sector Lab and SCVO Digital listing of a range of information sources that have relevance during the pandemic and beyond.
- Worst-hit-Dementia-during-coronavirus-report Alzheimer’s Society Report on impact on people living with dementia.
- Working with people experiencing Chronic-Loneliness Ageing Better Middlesbrough Report
- Living longer caring in later working life (1) ONS report (2019)
- Learning-report-Online-and-telephone-group-activities Bristol Ageing Better Report(2020)
- Learning-from-lockdown-report Centre For Ageing Better Report (2020)
- ICM-covid-19-research-2020-FINAL Report from Inspiring Change Manchester on supporting people facing multiple disadvantage
- How-to-get-more-men-involved-in-activites-Briefing-7 An advisory leaflet from Ageing Better in Birmingham
- Help-through-crisis-engaging-people-online-factsheet Factsheet produced by the Help Through Crisis programme (2020)
- Helping-out-taking-inclusive-age-friendly-approach-volunteering Centre For Ageing Better Report (2020)
- Developing-social-contact-models-in-a-time-of-social-distancing-Full-Report A Greater Manchester Ambition for Ageing Report(2020)
- Resilience-through-digital-inclusion Bulletin from TED Ageing Better in East Lindsey(2020)
- The-fog-of-support_carers-report An inquiry into the provision of respite care and carer’s assessments for people affected by dementia.
- Digital-inclusion-factsheet Help Through Crisis factsheet on digital inclusion
- Maintaining-social-connections Ageing Better in Birmingham report on maintaining social connections with older people remotely.