The ‘Our Work of Art’ Project has been nominated and shortlisted for the Dementia Friendly Kent Awards 2019.
The project category is ‘Dementia Friendly Arts and Culture Organisation/ Project’.
Project Lead Creative, Catherine Arnell, Director of Espression Arts CIC, who has been working with the support of Kent Arts and Wellbeing with project partners Age UK Canterbury and Age UK Herne Bay and Whitstable, will be attending the awards ceremony, with creative volunteer Rosie Strellis.
The overall winners will be announced on Friday 11th October at the awards ceremony being held at Kent Showground, Detling, Maidstone.
This awards scheme aims to recognise and help celebrate the hard work and dedication undertaken across the county to improve the lives of those affected by dementia.
Whatever the result we are immensely proud of what all our creative volunteers and older people participants have achieved over the past year!
Anyone interested in finding out more and meeting our creative volunteers, please get it touch to come along to the next creative volunteer network meeting, held in Canterbury, at Espression Arts 29-30 Palace Street, Canterbury, CT1 2DZ .
Leave a message for Catherine Arnell on 01227 765 665 or call Fay Blair on 07786 307 664.