Kent Arts and Wellbeing are completing a successful series of art courses for over 55 s in Maidstone. The courses have been delivered by local artist Christie Grant and are part of the Universal Wellbeing Contract allocated by Kent County Council to Involve (Kent).
Four , ten week courses have been run, involving 38 participants from different parts of Maidstone and with different backgrounds. The response has been very good with feedback identifying meeting people, making friends, developing skills, and achievement as the most common responses.
It is great to report that Involve Kent have renewed the contract with Kent Arts and Wellbeing. This time we will run 3 courses of 15 sessions so that we can build on the positives identified from the last set of courses. Christie Grant will again leasd the deliveey activity.
The first course starts at 2pm on 22nd April in the Shepway Community Centre, Cumberland Avenue. Contact Ken Scott 0n 07884 497478 or ken@kentartsandwellbeing to secure a free place.